Location Grid Project

a geographic framework of world locations and polygons
for disciple making movement saturation efforts.

The Grid is Free / Open Source

The project is offered open source / free to the movement community. In our ambition to deliver a quality, non-propriatary mapping resource to users of Disciple.Tools, we want to offer the same asset and id base to the wider community.


The Location Grid Project offers a cross-referenced grid for reporting on movement progress across the planet, while at the same time is location sensitive for activity in dangerous or anti-christian locations and compliance with increasing privacy laws like GDPR.

The project serves to support the vision of consistently tracking church planting movement efforts globally in a way that allows networks and different organizations to share location sensitive reports to visualize and respond to areas of disciple making movement and areas where there is no disciple making movement.

The project offers a global grid of unique location ids for countries, states, and counties, longitude/latitude, populations for those administrative areas, and the supporting geojson polygon files for lightweight application display.

The polygon source data began with GADM public polygon sets and then the geojson files were generated and keyed to the grid system.

The administrative boundary information (north, south, east, west) has been generated from currently available polygons by the Location Grid Project.

Longitude and latitude centerpoint generated from the polygon data.

The hierarchy data in columns parent_id, admin0_grid_id, admin1_grid_id, admin2_grid_id, admin3_grid_id, admin4_grid_id, admin5_grid_id has been generated by the Location Grid Project.

Free Template by uicookies.com

List SQL table

The location grid table is a MYSQL table with 380,000 records for the administrative levels of the world. Based on the GADM polygon set. This table adds hierarchy, geonames cross-reference, bounding boxes, longitude and latitude for centerpoint, country_codes, and level descriptions.

Free Template by uicookies.com

Geometry SQL Table

The location_grid_geometry table has all polygons for each of the 380,000 administrative units cross-referenced to the location_grid table by grid_id.

Free Template by uicookies.com

Asset Mirror

The location grid mirror is a folder containing three folders: low, high, collection. The low and high folders contain .geojson files named by grid_id containing the polygon or multipolygon for the administrative unit and properties containing name, level names, and centerpoints. Those files in the low folder are compressed for web delivery, the high folder contains full resolution polygons. The collection folder contains .geojson files named by grid_id that contain a collection of the next level administrative polygons. i.e. the {state of colorado}.geojson file contains all the counties for Colorado in the single .geojson file. Each sub-administrative unit in the collection has properties including name, lng/lat centerpoint, and admin level data.


The grid assets can be downloaded here. Please know these are very large files and you should consider if you have a sufficient internet connection and time before beginning download.

Free Template by uicookies.com

Location Grid List Table (14mg)

The location grid table is a MYSQL table with 380,000 records for the administrative levels of the world. Based on the GADM polygon set. This table adds hierarchy, geonames cross-reference, bounding boxes, longitude and latitude for centerpoint, country_codes, and level descriptions.


Location Grid Geometry Table (1.81 GB)

The location_grid_geometry table has all polygons for each of the 380,000 administrative units cross-referenced to the location_grid table by grid_id.


GEOJSON Asset Collection (4.06 GB)

The location grid mirror is a folder containing three folders: low, high, collection. The low and high folders contain .geojson files named by grid_id containing the polygon or multipolygon for the administrative unit and properties containing name, level names, and centerpoints. Those files in the low folder are compressed for web delivery, the high folder contains full resolution polygons. The collection folder contains .geojson files named by grid_id that contain a collection of the next level administrative polygons. i.e. the {state of colorado}.geojson file contains all the counties for Colorado in the single .geojson file. Each sub-administrative unit in the collection has properties including name, lng/lat centerpoint, and admin level data.


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